Thursday, November 30, 2006

Panoramics...a tutorial...

Since people ask me how to make these huge's a quick tutorial.

This is for the Canon users...I'm not familiar with other brands.

  1. take pics in "photostitch" mode...the pics will be saves as STA files on the memory card.
  2. go to and download their program...and donate money if you are rich.
  3. Run the program...and voila! a panoramic.
Here are some good ones...

Some hints...

When taking the pics...
  • make sure to hold the camera steady. One blurry pic, and the pano is bad...
  • you don't have to line up the pics exactly, just try to make sure that the pic is straight.
Using autostitch...
  • I usually go to options, under "edit" and set the scale to 25% for the initial viewing...then if I like the pic, or I think it's ready for printing (8$/ft2 for matte, 10$ for glossy, and 12$ for super glossy at Copy Central on Shattuck Square in Berkeley), I'll set the scale to 100%...the rest of the options, I haven't really played with.

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